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ROMANESCO OR APPLE BROCCOLI CABBAGE - Can i eat Romanesco or apple broccoli cabbage pregnant ?

Can we eat Romanesco or apple broccoli cabbage when you are pregnant? Discover the risks associated with Romanesco or apple broccoli cabbage during pregnancy.

Romanesco or apple broccoli cabbage pregnant
Yes but...
To avoid
Information If you are pregnant and plan to eat romanesco cabbage or apple broccoli, you have to be careful. Cruciferous vegetables are considered safe to consume during pregnancy, but they can cause bloating and gases, and can even cause contractions. It is therefore preferable to consume them in moderation and cook them well. Romanesco cabbage is rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, making it an excellent choice for pregnant women. However, Romanesco cabbage has a stronger and harder flavor than other varieties of cabbage, and could therefore be more difficult to digest. It is therefore preferable to steam it or roast it to reduce its intensity. Apple broccoli, also known as cauliflower, is also rich in nutrients and sure to consume during pregnancy. However, it can be difficult to digest and cause bloating and gases. It is therefore better to steam it and not eat it too often. In conclusion, romanesco cabbage and apple broccoli are sure to consume during pregnancy, but it is best to steam them and not abuse them. By eating these vegetables in moderation, you will be able to benefit from their risk -free nutrients for your health and that of your baby.
Risks Toxoplasmosis
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All these recommendations are given for information only, they can not replace the advice of your doctor
Romanesco or apple broccoli cabbage pregnant
Romanesco or apple broccoli cabbage pregnant

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