
Radish : Can I eat this while pregnant? Can my baby eat this?

Pregnant woman 🤰

warning-imgYes, with conditions
Radish  - Pregnancy Nutrition




Yes, you can eat radishes during pregnancy. Radishes are an excellent source of vitamin C and fiber. In addition, they are low in calories and contain moderate quantities of potassium and folate, significant nutrients for maternal and fetal health. Radice is also a good source of vitamin B6, calcium and magnesium, which are all essential for healthy pregnancy. Radice is also a good source of antioxidants that can help protect the body from diseases and stimulate the immune system. However, when you consume radish during pregnancy, be careful not to abuse them because they can sometimes cause bloating and gases. It is therefore advisable to consume only moderately.


All these recommendations are given as an indication based on ANSES information and cannot replace the advice of a health professional.

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