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VITIS VINIFERA VAR. TINCTORIA - Can i eat Vitis vinifera var. tinctoria pregnant ?

Can we eat Vitis vinifera var. tinctoria when you are pregnant? Discover the risks associated with Vitis vinifera var. tinctoria during pregnancy.

Vitis vinifera var. tinctoria pregnant
Yes but...
To avoid
Information Warnings against red vine: The active ingredients of the red vine are well tolerated by the body. However, as many active substances, they may have some Contraindications. A cure or a red vine supplementation is particularly against-indicated in: Pregnant or lactating women; Children and adolescents under 18 years; women who developed breast cancer or who have a history with this disease. Side effects of red wine: The use of red vine is not associated with any significant side effects. However, in some people, it can cause some mild side effects such as hypersensitivity or allergy; skin reactions such as itching and reddening of the skin; digestive disorders such as nausea and stomach pain; headaches.
Risks See below
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Vitis vinifera var. tinctoria pregnant
Vitis vinifera var. tinctoria pregnant

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