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HADDOCK - Can i eat Haddock pregnant ?

Can we eat Haddock when you are pregnant? Discover the risks associated with Haddock during pregnancy.

Haddock pregnant
Yes but...
To avoid
Information Knowing if you can eat a rose during your pregnancy depends on your health and your baby. It is important to consult your doctor before making a decision. However, it is advisable to avoid consuming églefin or any other wild fish during pregnancy. These fish may contain high levels of mercury, which can be harmful to the fetus. Mercury can cause damage to the annoying baby system and increase the risk of neurological problems. It is therefore preferable to avoid this type of fish during pregnancy. In addition, it is important to know that the Églefin is often caught in the seas where there can be high levels of chemical contaminants, such as PCB and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. These chemicals can be harmful to the fetus and cause congenital anomalies and long -term health problems. In conclusion, although the Églefin is a source of healthy and nutritious proteins, it is better to avoid consuming it during pregnancy. However, if you decide to eat it, be sure to choose organic and quality products and bake it properly to reduce the risk for your health and that of your baby.
Risks Listeriosis
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All these recommendations are given for information only, they can not replace the advice of your doctor
Haddock pregnant
Haddock pregnant

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