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GRAY POCKET - Can i eat Gray pocket pregnant ?

Can we eat Gray pocket when you are pregnant? Discover the risks associated with Gray pocket during pregnancy.

Gray pocket pregnant
Yes but...
To avoid
Information As a future parent, you often ask yourself questions about what you can and cannot eat during your pregnancy. Pocket -gray pocket consumption during pregnancy can be delicate. Pocheteau Gris is a variety of molds which is very popular in Europe. Mussels are a type of seafood that is rich in nutrients and protein. They are generally consumed cooked or canned. Although it is possible to eat molds during pregnancy, it is important to take certain precautions. The molds must always be purchased cool and consumed as soon as possible. In addition, it is important to know how to cook them properly. It is recommended to cook them at a high temperature for at least 10 minutes. Mussels can be a source of potential contaminants, such as bacteria, parasites and chemicals. Thus, it is important to remember that the molds must be well cooked before eating them. In conclusion, it is possible to eat molds during pregnancy, but it is important to take certain precautions to avoid any risk of contamination. It is recommended to always buy fresh molds and cook them at a high temperature for a while.
Risks Listeriosis
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Gray pocket pregnant
Gray pocket pregnant

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