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FRIED MUSSELS - Can i eat Fried mussels pregnant ?

Can we eat Fried mussels when you are pregnant? Discover the risks associated with Fried mussels during pregnancy.

Fried mussels pregnant
Yes but...
To avoid
Information Mussels and fries are a good source of protein, but it is important to consume them carefully during pregnancy. Mussels must always be cooked thoroughly and consumed as soon as they are ready because they can contain harmful bacteria if they are consumed raw or insufficiently cooked. In addition, it is important to buy them in safe establishments and check their expiration date. Fries are generally not advised during pregnancy because they are rich in fat and calories. They can also contain harmful chemicals such as monosodic glutamate (MSG) and trans fatty acids which are likely to cause excessive weight gain and complications for the mother and the baby. In conclusion, mussels and fries can be consumed during pregnancy, provided that they are well cooked and purchased in reliable establishments. However, fries are usually to be avoided because they may contain harmful chemicals. It is therefore preferable to choose vegetables or potatoes steam or in the oven.
Risks Listeriosis
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All these recommendations are given for information only, they can not replace the advice of your doctor
Fried mussels pregnant
Fried mussels pregnant

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