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COCA COLA ZÉRO - Can i eat Coca Cola Zéro pregnant ?

Can we eat Coca Cola Zéro when you are pregnant? Discover the risks associated with Coca Cola Zéro during pregnancy.

Coca Cola Zéro pregnant
Yes but...
To avoid
Information The consumption of zero co -cola during pregnancy is not recommended. Although it does not contain calories and is sugar -free, this product contains caffeine, which can pass the placental barrier and reach the unborn baby. Studies have shown that pregnant women who consume too much caffeine can increase their risk of miscarriage and premature delivery. In addition, Coca Cola Zéro contains artificial sweeteners, which are considered safe for general consumption, but can be harmful to the development fetus. Some studies suggest that the use of artificial sweeteners during pregnancy could cause health problems in the unborn child. In order to reduce the potential risk for your baby's health, it is better to limit or completely avoid the consumption of Coca Cola Zéro during pregnancy. Use drinks without caffeine and artificial sweeteners to remain hydrated and satisfied. You can also consult your doctor for advice and recommendations on caffeine consumption and other products during pregnancy.
Risks Excess of caffeine.
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All these recommendations are given for information only, they can not replace the advice of your doctor
Coca Cola Zéro pregnant
Coca Cola Zéro pregnant

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