
Café au lait or cappuccino : Can I eat this while pregnant? Can my baby eat this?

Pregnant woman 🤰

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Café au lait or cappuccino  - Pregnancy Nutrition


Excess caffeine


Coffee and cappuccino are popular drinks and consumed by many people. During pregnancy, it is important to monitor your caffeine consumption, as it can have a harmful effect on your baby's health. The good news is that coffee and cappuccino can be consumed in moderation during pregnancy. It is important to remember that caffeine is considered a stimulant and that excessive consumption can cause harmful effects. Coffee and cappuccino each contain approximately 95 mg of caffeine per cup. Most doctors recommend consumption limited to 200 mg of caffeine per day. However, if you are sensitive to caffeine, it is recommended to limit your consumption to a cup of coffee or cappuccino per day. You can also choose to replace coffee and cappuccino with caffeine -free alternatives, such as green tea and decaffeinated coffee. In conclusion, you can consume coffee and cappuccino drinks during pregnancy, but in moderate doses and depending on your sensitivity to caffeine. It is important to consult your doctor to determine the appropriate amount of caffeine for your state of health and well-being.


All these recommendations are given as an indication based on ANSES information and cannot replace the advice of a health professional.

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