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BISSAP - Can i eat Bissap pregnant ?

Can we eat Bissap when you are pregnant? Discover the risks associated with Bissap during pregnancy.

Bissap pregnant
Yes but...
To avoid
Information Bissap is a traditional African drink based on dried hibiscus flowers, also known as "Bissap Boule" or "Boule d'Or". It is consumed in many regions of Africa and around the world. In general, bissap is considered a safe and healthy drink to consume during pregnancy. Moderate consumption can even be beneficial for the mother and the baby. BISSAP contains moderate quantities of vitamins, minerals and other beneficial nutrients. It can also help reduce inflammation and maintain the health of the immune system. However, some pregnant women can be sensitive to certain Bissap ingredients, especially caffeine. It is therefore recommended to consume bissap in moderation and consult your doctor before consuming it. In conclusion, Bissap can be an excellent choice for pregnant women who want to enjoy a healthy and nutritious refreshment. However, it is advisable to consume bissap in moderation and consult your doctor before consuming it.
Risks Hypotension
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Bissap pregnant
Bissap pregnant

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