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APPLE CARRIER - Can i eat Apple carrier pregnant ?

Can we eat Apple carrier when you are pregnant? Discover the risks associated with Apple carrier during pregnancy.

Apple carrier pregnant
Yes but...
To avoid
Information Consumption of carbonated drink during pregnancy is a controversial subject and it is important that pregnant women are aware of the risks involved with any drink containing bubbles. Apple carrier can contain artificial sweeteners, additives and preservatives that can have harmful effects on the health of the mother and baby. The short -term effects of the consumption of soft drink during pregnancy may include headaches, nausea and bloating. It has also been shown that regular consumption of carbonated drink can increase the risk of preeclampsia and hypertension during pregnancy. In addition, there are contradictory evidence regarding the consumption of soft drinking with apple during pregnancy. Some experts argue that phosphoric acid and the conservatives contained in the drink can be harmful to the fetus. Other experts say that occasional consumption of sparkling apple drinking during pregnancy is not harmful. In the end, the decision to consume soft drinking in apple during pregnancy will be taken by each pregnant woman according to her own tastes and circumstances. Pregnant women are advisable to avoid consuming apple drinks regularly and consulting their doctor before consuming any carbonated drink during pregnancy.
Risks Gestationel diabetes
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All these recommendations are given for information only, they can not replace the advice of your doctor
Apple carrier pregnant
Apple carrier pregnant

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