
Shrimp ravioli : Can I eat this while pregnant? Can my baby eat this?

Pregnant woman 🤰

Shrimp ravioli  - Pregnancy Nutrition


No risk


When pregnant, it is important to eat healthy and choose foods that are good for the health and development of the fetus. The shrimp ravioli can be a good choice for pregnant women because it contains nutrients essential to their health and that of their baby. Indeed, ravioli contain iron, proteins and vitamins, especially Folat, which are all very important for the health and development of the baby. However, it is important to make sure that the shrimp ravioli is well cooked before consuming it. Raw shrimps are not considered safe for pregnant women because they can contain harmful bacteria. In addition, the shrimp ravioli can contain relatively high quantities of salt and fat. Therefore, it is important not to abuse it and consume it in a moderate manner. In conclusion, the shrimp ravioli can be an excellent choice for pregnant women because it contains nutrients essential to their health and that of their baby. However, it is important to ensure that ravioli is well cooked and consuming it in a moderate manner.


All these recommendations are given as an indication based on ANSES information and cannot replace the advice of a health professional.

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