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QUICK - Can i eat Quick pregnant ?

Can we eat Quick when you are pregnant? Discover the risks associated with Quick during pregnancy.

Quick pregnant
Yes but...
To avoid
Information Pregnancy is a wonderful period for future mothers, but it also leads to many changes in their lifestyle and their diet. The question of whether you can eat Quick during pregnancy can often arise. It is generally recommended for pregnant women to avoid very processed foods such as those sold by Quick, as they are often rich in fats, salt and sugar. These nutrients do not have a beneficial effect on health and can even be harmful to the baby and the mother. However, if pregnant women are very hungry and eat at Quick, it is better to choose healthy options such as salads and sandwiches made from vegetables and lean meat. You should also avoid sauces rich in fat and desserts rich in sugar. In the end, it is preferable for pregnant women to limit their consumption of Quick and choose fresh and nourishing foods. These foods are good for you and your baby and will help you stay healthy during pregnancy.
Risks Diabetes, maternal obesity
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All these recommendations are given for information only, they can not replace the advice of your doctor
Quick pregnant
Quick pregnant

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