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KFC - Can i eat Kfc pregnant ?

Can we eat Kfc when you are pregnant? Discover the risks associated with Kfc during pregnancy.

Kfc pregnant
Yes but...
To avoid
Information If you are waiting for a baby, you may be wondering if it is sure to include the KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken) in your diet. The good news is that eating KFC during pregnancy is generally considered safe. However, it is important to take certain precautions when you eat at KFC during pregnancy. In particular, avoid fried chicken and opt instead for grilled options, such as chicken wings and chicken nets. Fried chicken can contain pathogenic bacteria, such as salmonella, which can be harmful to a pregnant woman and her birth. In addition, if you opt for toasted wings or chicken nets, make sure they are cooked at a temperature high enough to kill all harmful bacteria. The best way to know it is by asking an employee or checking the temperature of food with a meat thermometer. It is also important not to eat foods that are too fatty, too salty or too sweet. So avoid fries, donuts and mayonnaise -based sauces. In addition, avoid salads that contain raw foods such as lettuce, fruits and non -cooked vegetables. Finally, be sure to drink a lot of water to avoid dehydration and wash your hands before and after eating. By following these precautions, you can safely enjoy KFC food during your pregnancy.
Risks No risk
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All these recommendations are given for information only, they can not replace the advice of your doctor
Kfc pregnant
Kfc pregnant

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