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RUM WAFFLES - Can i eat Rum waffles pregnant ?

Can we eat Rum waffles when you are pregnant? Discover the risks associated with Rum waffles during pregnancy.

Rum waffles pregnant
Yes but...
To avoid
Information If you are pregnant, you may be wondering if you can eat rum waffles. The answer is yes, provided you follow some rules of prudence. As with any alcohol consumption during pregnancy, you should use moderation and avoid taking too much. The rum alcohol content is quite high, so it is preferable to consume it sparingly. In addition, you should ensure that waffles are well cooked. If you eat waffles that are too raw, you may ingest bacteria that can be harmful to your pregnancy. So make sure that waffles are completely cooked before eating them. Finally, remember that any excessive consumption of carbohydrates can have harmful effects on your health and that of your baby. So avoid eating too much rum waffles during your pregnancy. If you take them occasionally, make sure you consume them in moderation and check that they are well cooked.
Risks No risk
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Rum waffles pregnant
Rum waffles pregnant

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