
Prepacké : Can I eat this while pregnant? Can my baby eat this?

Pregnant woman 🤰

warning-imgYes, with conditions
Prepacké  - Pregnancy Nutrition


Toxoplasmosis - listeriosis


It is preferable that pregnant women avoid consuming prepackaged pancakes. Prepackaged pancakes are generally rich in preservatives and additives, and can therefore be harmful to the development of the fetus. In addition, they can contain pathogenic bacteria and parasites, which can also be harmful to the fetus. Pre -packaged pancakes are also rich in calories and saturated fats, which can have a harmful effect on the weight and health of the mother and the fetus. They can also contain high quantities of salt, which can increase blood pressure and the risk of cardiovascular disease. In conclusion, it is preferable for pregnant women to avoid consuming prepackaged pancakes. It is best to choose healthier and more nutritious foods that will provide all the nutrients that the mother and the fetus need to stay healthy.


All these recommendations are given as an indication based on ANSES information and cannot replace the advice of a health professional.

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