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BRETON PÂTÉ - Can i eat Breton pâté pregnant ?

Can we eat Breton pâté when you are pregnant? Discover the risks associated with Breton pâté during pregnancy.

Breton pâté pregnant
Yes but...
To avoid
Information Breton pâté is a very popular product in Brittany and although delicious, many pregnant women wonder if it is sure to eat it. The answer is yes, the Breton pâté can be consumed during pregnancy, provided you respect some basic rules. First, the Breton pâté must be well cooked before eating it. This means that the internal temperature of the meat must reach at least 65 degrees Celsius to be sure that it is well cooked. In addition, it is important to ensure that the Breton pâté is fresh and has no signs of deterioration. Then it is important to make sure that the Breton pâté is well preserved. It must be stored in a refrigerator between 0 and 4 degrees Celsius and consumed within two days of its purchase. Finally, it is important to ensure that Breton pâté does not contain fish -based products, as some fish may contain dangerously high levels of mercury. It is therefore preferable to choose a meat -based product. In short, the Breton pâté can be consumed during pregnancy, provided you respect certain basic rules concerning its preparation and conservation.
Risks No risk
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Breton pâté pregnant
Breton pâté pregnant

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