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NUT OIL - Can i eat Nut oil pregnant ?

Can we eat Nut oil when you are pregnant? Discover the risks associated with Nut oil during pregnancy.

Nut oil pregnant
Yes but...
To avoid
Information Nut oil can be an excellent source of nutrition during pregnancy. It is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins and essential minerals, making it a very nutritious food. In addition, it is low in calories and saturated fats, which makes it ideal for pregnant women who monitor their consumption of fats and calories. However, when you consume nut oil during pregnancy, you need to be moderation. Nut oil can contain high quantities of erucic acid, which is considered a natural compound but can present risks for the development of the fetus. High rates of erucic acid can increase the risk of congenital malformations and growth problems in unborn babies. Therefore, it is important to make sure that the nut oil you consume during pregnancy is high quality and does not contain excessive quantities of erucic acid. You should also limit your nut oil consumption to about one to two tablespoons per day. Finally, be sure to consume various foods to make sure you cover your nutritional needs during pregnancy.
Risks No risk
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Nut oil pregnant
Nut oil pregnant

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