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PTIT BASQUE - Can i eat Ptit Basque pregnant ?

Can we eat Ptit Basque when you are pregnant? Discover the risks associated with Ptit Basque during pregnancy.

Ptit Basque pregnant
Yes but...
To avoid
Information During your pregnancy, you will need to take additional precautions when choosing your food. Most foods are sure to eat during pregnancy, but you may want to limit certain dairy products, such as the Ptit Basque. This pressed and long maturation cheese contains bacteria that can be harmful to health. Long maturation pressed cheeses, like the Ptit Basque, contain bacteria that can be harmful to you and your baby when you are pregnant. These bacteria can cause infections that can lead to complications for your health and that of your baby. However, you can always eat short -mattred pressed cheeses, such as cheddar or jarlsberg, which are safe for your health and that of your baby. You should also be careful with raw milk cheeses, as they can contain bacteria that are not safe for pregnant women. In conclusion, you can eat Ptit Basque during your pregnancy, but you need to take additional precautions to make sure you don't eat long -maturation cheeses. You should also avoid raw milk cheeses for safety reasons.
Risks No risk
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All these recommendations are given for information only, they can not replace the advice of your doctor
Ptit Basque pregnant
Ptit Basque pregnant

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