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GRANA PADANO - Can i eat GRANA PADANO pregnant ?

Can we eat GRANA PADANO when you are pregnant? Discover the risks associated with GRANA PADANO during pregnancy.

Yes but...
To avoid
Information Yes, you can eat Grana Padano during pregnancy. The Grana Padano is an Italian hard cheese made from raw cow's milk. It is rich in protein, calcium and vitamin A and B12. The Grana Padano is considered a safe cheese for pregnant women, as it is produced according to very strict production procedures. It is made with a mixture of milk and rennet crops and is subject to a fermentation and maturation process to reach a certain level of maturity and flavor. In addition, it is generally pasteurized before being marketed, which reduces the risk of contamination by harmful bacteria. However, you should avoid consuming soft or not pasteurized cheeses during your pregnancy because they can contain bacteria that increase the risk of toxoplasmosis.
Risks No risk
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