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EMMENTAL DE SAVOIE - Can i eat Emmental de Savoie pregnant ?

Can we eat Emmental de Savoie when you are pregnant? Discover the risks associated with Emmental de Savoie during pregnancy.

Emmental de Savoie pregnant
Yes but...
To avoid
Information Yes, you can eat Savoy Emmental during your pregnancy. The Emmental de Savoie is a variety of pressed cheese inside a Gruyère, with air holes. It is characterized by its soft and salty flavor and by a slightly grainy texture. The Emmental de Savoie is rich in calcium and protein, which makes it a healthy choice for your pregnancy. It is also very Versatil, so you can eat it alone or use it to add a touch of flavor to your meals. However, as with all cheeses, you should eat it in moderation during pregnancy. Make sure you consume it fresh and well washed because soft cheese can contain bacteria dangerous for your health. Also avoid cheeses refined or refined to alcohol, as they can contain high levels of bacteria. Finally, don't forget to consult your doctor before consuming food during pregnancy.
Risks No risk
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All these recommendations are given for information only, they can not replace the advice of your doctor
Emmental de Savoie pregnant
Emmental de Savoie pregnant

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